Support, links and resources
AWE recognises that our members can face discrimination and other illegal behaviour in the workplace including bullying, harassment, and assault due to their gender, sexuality, race, identity, abilities and/or background.
This list of organisations, resources and other information can help.
If there are resources you think could be added to this webpage, please contact us.
If you are immediate danger dial 000 now
If you have experienced sexual assault or sexual harassment and feel you would like to speak to someone for support or information, 1800RESPECT (Phone: 1800 737 732) provides confidential information, counselling and support services 24-hours a day, 7 days a week.
The Australian Human Rights Commission investigates complaints about discrimination and human rights breaches. Resources include:
The Champions of Change Coalition is a global strategy for achieving gender equality, advancing more and diverse women in leadership, and building respectful and inclusive workplaces. The Coalition includes the Australia and New Zealand Champions of Change Fire and Emergency.
The Diversity Council of Australia is the peak body for diversity and inclusion in the workplace in Australia. The Council works across 11 different Diversity Dimensions to offer wide-ranging information on diversity and inclusion in Australia including:
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders
- Age
- Culture and religion
- Disability and accessibility
- Family and domestic violence
- Gender
- Mental health
- Parental leave
- Race
- Diversity and inclusion planning
The Fair Work Commission makes awards, approves enterprise agreements and helps resolve workplace issues in Australia. Resources include:
The Fair Work Ombudsman promotes harmonious, productive, cooperative and compliant workplace relations in Australia. Resources include:
Our Watch is an Australian leader in the primary prevention of violence against women and their children in Australia. Resources include:
Respect@Work works to create safe, inclusive and respectful workplaces in Australia. Resources include:
Safe Work Australia develops Australian policy relating to workplace health and safety and workers’ compensation. Resources include:
The Workplace Gender Equality Agency promotes and improves gender equality in Australian workplaces. Resources include:
For help with workplace sexual harassment issues contact your Australian state or territory work health and safety authority.
For help with discrimination complaints or issues contact your Australian State or Territory equal opportunity and anti-discrimination agency.
Pacific Women Lead aims to promote women’s leadership, realise women’s rights, and increase the effectiveness of regional gender equality efforts.
The We Rise Coalition is made up of feminist organisations from the Pacific region and works to strengthen feminist movement building and gender equality in the Pacific.
The Fiji Human Rights and Anti-Discrimination Commission takes a lead role in the promotion, protection and fulfillment of human rights for all in Fiji to build, strengthen and sustain a human rights culture in Fiji
The Samoa Office of the Ombudsman Human Rights Unit bridges the “protection gap” between the rights of individuals and responsibilities of the Samoa Government.
The Tuvalu Office of the Chief Ombudsman (No website)
PLEASE NOTE: This list of resources is limited at the moment, however, we are working with our AWE Pacific colleagues to identify more organisations and resources and thank you for your patience.
New Zealand
If you or someone else is in immediate danger call 111 now.
Are you ok? can help you access support if you are experiencing or witnessing family violence.
The Champions of Change Coalition is a global strategy for achieving gender equality, advancing more and diverse women in leadership, and building respectful and inclusive workplaces. The Coalition includes the Australia and New Zealand Champions of Change Fire and Emergency.
Diversity Works is the national body for workplace diversity, equity and inclusion.
Employment New Zealand provides information on employment in New Zealand. Resources include:
- Parental leave eligibility
- Family violence leave
- Employment for disabled people
- Resolving problems
- Discrimination
The National Council of Women New Zealand works towards true gender equality in Aotearoa New Zealand. Areas of work include:
- Climate change and environmental sustainability
- Economic independence
- Education
- Safety, health and wellbeing
- Influence and decision making
The Ombudsman New Zealand Kaitiaki Mana Tangata helps New Zealanders deal with public sector agencies. Resources include:
The Te Kāhui Tika Tangata Human Rights Commission works toward he whakamana tāngata, a life of dignity for all. Resources include:
WorkSafe Mahi Haumaru Aotearoa works to lift health and safety performance, supporting New Zealanders to return home from work healthy and safe. Resources include:
Managing Resistance and Backlash
VicHealth’s (En)countering resistance: Strategies to respond to resistance to gender equality initiatives draws together effective tools and strategies to prepare for and respond to backlash and resistance to gender equality initiatives.
Chief Executive Women and Champions of Change Coalition’s Backlash & Buy-in: Responding to the challenges in achieving gender equality is targeted to leaders and explores a range of responses to change and provides insights to continue progress towards gender equality in the workplace.
Safe and Equal’s Facing resistance in your work provides practical guidance to support organisations in understanding and planning for resistance to work to prevent violence against women and promote gender equality.