AWE Open Discussion Series – How do we lead adaptation into an uncertain future?

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Want to connect, talk openly, and support one another? 

The AWE Open Discussions provide a forum for members to explore insights, experiences and ideas on a range of topics.

No speakers, no presentations, just you and other AWEsome women getting together to learn, share and network.

Very little seems certain these days – except, perhaps, the use of the word ‘unprecedented’ whenever another crisis impacts our communities. Join Zoe D’Arcy, AWE Network ACT Chapter Lead, in this month’s open discussion about adaptive leadership in these uncertain times. What do we need from our political and organisational leaders? How do we lead teams, communities, organisations and even families ourselves? Come and share thoughts, opinions, experiences and even perhaps what you’ve learnt from some fantastic failures.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Time: Wednesday April 20th 2022 12:00 PM AEST


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