Australasian Women in Emergencies Day

AWE Day 2023
Australasian Women in Emergencies Day – held on 10 October – was a great success again this year. More than 200 people registered to attend our Forum featuring guest speakers Sarah (Norm) Stuart-Black QSO and Ruth Wraith OAM; we announced recipients of the inaugural AWE Excellence Awards; and we hosted multiple in-person events to help recognise and celebrate women in emergencies.
We also saw significant social media coverage from across the sector. Tamara Beckett, Deputy Chief Fire Officer and Director, Forest & Fire Operations at the Department of Environment, Land Water and Planning in Victoria posted:
Today is Australasian Women in Emergencies Day – a day to celebrate and recognise the contribution women make right across this fabulous sector. However it is also a day to acknowledge the continued challenges many women and gender diverse people face when trying to break into or progress within it…with more support, more allies and advocates prepared to be vocal about the need for change, we can lighten the load and speed up the pace of change. So please, today, reflect on how you either perpetuate or challenge the patriarchal and masculine systems and culture through your words and actions. The women in that community are not just here to serve the tea and take the minutes – we are leaders, we are decision-makers and we can’t create a culture where those things are expected rather than the exception without the support of every one of you.
Thank you to all the women, friends and allies who helped recognise and celebrate women’s contributions to emergencies this Australasian Women in Emergencies Day 2023!
This Australasian Women in Emergencies Day, we pay tribute to the thousands of Red Cross women and non-binary people in our region who volunteer and work in emergency management and disaster resilience. And we recognise and thank women and non-binary folk everywhere who support people and communities to better prevent, prepare for, response to, and recovery from disasters.
Today is Australasian Women in Emergencies day. I want to take time to recognise the incredible contribution women play in assisting communities prepare, respond and recover from emergencies. We all know the sector has seen a LOT in the last couple of years and I am always in awe of the resilience and leadership on display by women in our sector and our communities. Whether you have a formal or informal role, whether you have been involved in EM for five minutes or your whole career, THANKYOU!!
(Today) is a day to celebrate the incredible contribution that women make in supporting communities prepare for, respond to and recover from emergencies and disasters around Australia, New Zealand and Melanesia. During my time in Australia I had the pleasure to work on innovative programs and activities alongside amazing women leaders at Australian Red Cross who were a true inspiration for their dedication, courage and work ethic.
To all of the wonderful women working in our emergency management system, have a terrific Australasian Women in Emergencies Day 2021. Your contribution is significant and appreciated.
On this Australasian Women in Emergencies Day, a huge shout out to the women who make such a massive contribution to keeping our communities safe. I have the privilege of working with, leading, and being led by some truly amazing women in the NSW State Emergency Service and benefit enormously from their knowledge, skills and perspectives – thank you.
Today is Australasian Women in Emergencies Day. Across Victoria, women perform vital emergency management roles and contribute diverse skills and experience to the sector. Please join me in thanking them for their hard work and dedication. The more women who join our sector, the stronger we will be. Today I challenge all our leaders to not only celebrate the women in their teams, but to consider how they can encourage more women to join us. A great place to start is by connecting with the Australasian Women in Emergencies Network.
Today October 10 is Australasian Women in Emergencies Day, a day to recognise and celebrate women in emergencies and disaster resilience. Women bring unique skills and strengths to all areas of disaster resilience and emergency management, and their insights and expertise help build resilience across Australasia. Australasian Women in Emergencies Day is for all women who work, volunteer or study in emergency services, community or not-for-profit organisations, governments or agencies, universities or schools, and private businesses and organisations. I have the privilege of working with some amazing women and would like to acknowledge and thank all women across the EM Sector for what you bring to your roles, your teams, your organisation and your communities. Today is a day to celebrate the huge contribution that women make in supporting our communities to be prepared for, respond to and recover from emergencies.
Australasian Women in Emergencies Day (#AWEDay2022) is a time to recognize and celebrate the women who serve their communities before, during, and after disasters. Women are still vastly underrepresented across the sector, which makes every one who serves a leader for the next generation. I am privileged to serve alongside and under many very dedicated and skilled practitioners of all four phases of the EM Cycle. Thank you to all of the women who are so dedicated to making the world a better place, and the team at the Australasian Women in Emergencies Network who light the way.
We have many incredible women within FFMVic that dedicate their lives to supporting our communities and protecting our environment. Today is Australasian Women in Emergencies Day, we acknowledge all women across the sector for their extraordinary skills and service
Morning tea is over but we are still celebrating #aweday2022 (Australasian Women in Emergencies Day) at Country Fire Authority (CFA). Today is a day to acknowledge the amazing grit and achievements of women in the sector. It doesn’t happen in silos though- it takes whole communities of support to create a sector where women can be sought out and lauded to lead as Commissioners, Executive Officers, Frontline Operators and CEO’s. Thank you to everyone who participates each day in making our working world a place of equity and cooperation!
From frontline support roles through to emergency response, AWE Day is about recognising all the dynamic, hardworking Australasian Women in Emergencies (AWE). AWE Day acknowledges the skills and strengths women bring to all areas of disaster resilience and emergency management. It’s fantastic to see greater representation across the emergency services, and we encourage all women and girls to consider emergency services as a fulfilling volunteer and career path.
Today is Australasian Women in Emergencies Day, which is a day to acknowledge women in emergencies and disaster resilience. In my role as the Cyclone Seroja State Recovery Controller, I have been fortunate to meet and work with many inspiring women involved in the cyclone recovery efforts over the past 18 months. As I travel through the Mid West talking to community members and local government representatives, I am reminded of the dedication and diverse skills women are contributing to recovering from the natural disaster. Whether you have a formal or informal role, whether you have been involved in emergency management for five minutes or your whole career, thank you!!
Happy Australasian Women in Emergencies day at Resilience NSW! Today we are celebrating #womeninemergencies and disaster resilience, and amidst the weather events we got to celebrate in person with a small group in the office! So many inspiring and supportive women working, volunteering, studying and leading before during and after disasters for enduring and inclusive resilience outcomes for our communities
Today marks Australasian Women in Emergencies Day ??, to recognise and celebrate women in emergencies and disaster resilience. Women bring unique skills and strengths to all areas of disaster resilience and emergency management, and their insights and expertise help build resilience across Australasia. Thank you to all of our female aviation rescue fire fighters for your passion, commitment and bravery in safeguarding 27 of Australia’s busiest airports
Happy Australasian Women in Emergencies Day 2022! Some of the Midlands Women in Fire & Emergency Network met up in Ballarat to watch the AWE Networks forum. Grabbing the chance to celebrate the epic women in our industry, be inspired by others out there and to keep fighting for gender equity in emergency services. We organised a delicious afternoon tea and continued to build on creating a supportive network of women in our district. Many thanks to the support of our leaders for us to take time to connect with each other. And most importantly, a huge thank you to the incredible women who have been working hard for decades to get us where we are today. We are standing on your shoulders and are here because of your hard work paving the path.
I’m a little late to be noting that today has been Australasian Women in Emergencies Day. Those who know me will be unsurprised to hear that I spent the day as PIM in the Mt Creighton fire IMT – another packed but fulfilling deployment over the last few days. So tonight I salute the dedicated women I’ve been working alongside on this event. First, my respected Fire and Emergency NZ colleague Michele Lindsay, who has anchored the Logistics function. Next, the women firefighters from our volunteer brigades and from DOC, who have been wielding spades, mattocks and fire rakes on the fireground since Saturday. Your knowledge, skills and sheer energy inspire me. And a grateful shout out to my colleagues Jessica Chaplin and Rosie Rattray from the Fire and Emergency NZ national media team, who have supported our PIM activities for this fire. Ehara taku toa i te toa takitahi, engari he toa takitini. Success is not the work of an individual, but the work of many.
Today, October 10th, is Australasian Women in Emergencies Day, a day to recognise and celebrate women in emergencies and disaster resilience. I am so grateful for the opportunities to learn from wāhine so far this year – whether from brilliantly resilient women leading their own local communitues, or strong knowledgable women guiding work in the field internationally – you are all inspiring! It is great to be able to continue to connect with wāhine who are part of Australasian Women in Emergencies Network
AWE Day acknowledges the skills and strengths women bring to all areas of disaster resilience and emergency management. From frontline support roles through to emergency response, AWE Day is about celebrating all the dynamic, hardworking Australasian Women in Emergencies (AWE). It’s fantastic to see greater representation across the emergency services, and we encourage all women and girls to consider emergency services as a fulfilling volunteer and career path.
We have many incredible women at VICSES that dedicate their lives to supporting our communities. Today as part of Australasian Women in Emergencies Day, we acknowledge all women across the sector for their extraordinary skills and service. Thank you!
Today is Australasian Women in Emergencies Day. FRV acknowledges the contribution and impact of women at FRV and across the emergency sector who work in emergency management and disaster resilience. At FRV women work in operational, corporate, and technical roles to prepare for, respond to and recover from emergencies. Their leadership, diverse skills and experience continue to ensure that FRV alongside our emergency sector partners can best serve the Victorian community. To learn more about the diverse work of women across the sector check out the Australasian Women in Emergencies (AWE) Network @AWENetwork
We have many incredible women within FFMVic that dedicate their lives to supporting our communities and protecting our environment. Today is Australasian Women in Emergencies Day, we acknowledge all women across the sector for their extraordinary skills and service.
We have many incredible women at the Manningham Unit that dedicate their lives to supporting our community. Today as part of Australasian Women in Emergencies Day, we acknowledge all women across the sector for their extraordinary skills and service.
Women are still vastly underrepresented across the sector, which makes every one who serves a leader for the next generation. I am privileged to serve alongside and under many very dedicated and skilled practitioners of all four phases of the EM Cycle. Thank you to all of the women who are so dedicated to making the world a better place, and the team at the Australasian Women in Emergencies Network who light the way.
I have the privilege of working with some amazing women and would like to acknowledge and thank all women across the EM Sector for what you bring to your roles, your teams, your organisation and your communities. Today is a day to celebrate the huge contribution that women make in supporting our communities to be prepared for, respond to and recover from emergencies.
We have many incredible women within Forest Fire Management Vic that dedicate their lives to supporting our communities and protecting our environment…we acknowledge all women across the sector for their extraordinary skills and service
We have many incredible women within Forest Fire Management Vic that dedicate their lives to supporting our communities and protecting our environment…we acknowledge all women across the sector for their extraordinary skills and service
From frontline support roles through to emergency response, AWE Day is about recognising all the dynamic, hardworking Australasian women in emergencies (AWE)… It’s fantastic to see greater representation across the emergency services, and we encourage all women and girls to consider emergency services as a fulfilling volunteer and career path.
I have been fortunate to meet and work with many inspiring women involved in the cyclone recovery efforts over the past 18 months… I am reminded of the dedication and diverse skills women are contributing to recovering from the natural disaster. Whether you have a formal or informal role, whether you have been involved in emergency management for five minutes or your whole career, thank you!!
Happy Australasian Women in Emergencies Day!…So many inspiring and supportive women working, volunteering, studying and leading before during and after disasters for enduring and inclusive resilience outcomes for our communities
Today marks Australasian Women in Emergencies DayThank you to all of our female aviation rescue fire fighters for your passion, commitment and bravery in safeguarding 27 of Australia’s busiest airports
Happy Australasian Women in Emergencies Day 2022! Grabbing the chance to celebrate the epic women in our industry, be inspired by others out there and to keep fighting for gender equity in emergency services… a huge thank you to the incredible women who have been working hard for decades to get us where we are today. We are standing on your shoulders and are here because of your hard work paving the path.
I am so grateful for the opportunities to learn from wāhine so far this year – whether from brilliantly resilient women leading their own local communitues, or strong knowledgable women guiding work in the field internationally – you are all inspiring! It is great to be able to continue to connect with wāhine who are part of Australasian Women in Emergencies Network
We have many incredible women at VICSES that dedicate their lives to supporting our communities. Today as part of Australasian Women in Emergencies Day, we acknowledge all women across the sector for their extraordinary skills and service. Thank you!
FRV acknowledges the contribution and impact of women at FRV and across the emergency sector who work in emergency management and disaster resilience. At FRV women work in operational, corporate, and technical roles to prepare for, respond to and recover from emergencies. Their leadership, diverse skills and experience continue to ensure that FRV alongside our emergency sector partners can best serve the Victorian community.
We have many incredible women at the Manningham Unit that dedicate their lives to supporting our community. Today as part of Australasian Women in Emergencies Day, we acknowledge all women across the sector for their extraordinary skills and service.
Today is Australasian Women in Emergencies Day – a day to celebrate and recognise the contribution women make right across this fabulous sector. However it is also a day to acknowledge the continued challenges many women and gender diverse people face when trying to break into or progress within it…with more support, more allies and advocates prepared to be vocal about the need for change, we can lighten the load and speed up the pace of change. So please, today, reflect on how you either perpetuate or challenge the patriarchal and masculine systems and culture through your words and actions. The women in that community are not just here to serve the tea and take the minutes – we are leaders, we are decision-makers and we can’t create a culture where those things are expected rather than the exception without the support of every one of you.