An Exciting 2021 AWE Conversation Series is coming soon

Our conversation series was a ‘beacon of light’ and a source of interest for many of us during 2020 – our first year of COVID.  The feedback we received about this series was very positive and so we are going to offer another series of conversations during 2021.  We are preparing the program now and invite you to suggest speakers.

Margaret Moreton is coordinating the series and is keen to announce diverse speakers from across our membership in 2021.  Margaret would love to hear from members who are  willing to share interesting projects and/or chat about their role.  One of the exciting things about our network is that we have so many members who are involved in important roles and doing interesting work.  Feel free to nominate someone you’d like to hear from AND please think about offering yourselves as well.  These conversations are relaxed and it is a great way to learn more about one another.  Great opportunities have come from these casual conversations.

Please send your ideas about possible speakers to [email protected].

Stay tuned for advice about the 2021 series.